At ShopCGX.com, we prioritize prompt and reliable delivery of your purchases. However, please be aware that shipping times may vary due to factors beyond our control, such as carrier delays, weather conditions, or unforeseen circumstances. While we strive to meet estimated delivery dates, we cannot guarantee exact arrival times.
Additionally, our commitment to sustainability may result in eco-friendly packaging, which could vary in appearance and materials from traditional packaging methods. We appreciate your understanding and support in our efforts to reduce environmental impact.
Thank you for choosing ShopCGX.com, for your shopping needs. Should you have any concerns or inquiries about your shipment, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team at unitgear@cgexchange.org.
All times are estimated and an email will be sent to the Point of Contact to verify the information and the timeframe of delivery. All times subject to change due to availability and shipping times.